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An instance receives a changeView event when the user change the view (days, months, years) of the calendar.

({ view, prevView, datepicker }: PickerViewEvent) => void
  • view - The current view of the calendar.
  • prevView - The previous view of the calendar.
  • datepicker - The datepicker instance.


An instance receives a changeViewDate event when the user change the view date of the calendar.

({ date, prevDate, datepicker }: PickerDateEvent) => void
  • date - The current view date of the calendar.
  • prevDate - The previous view date of the calendar.
  • datepicker - The datepicker instance.


An instance receives a select event when the user select a date.

({ date, prevDate, datepicker }: PickerDateEvent) => void
  • date - The selected date.
  • prevDate - The previous selected date. It can be null or undefined if there was no selected date.
  • datepicker - The datepicker instance.


An instance receives a beforeSelect event before the user select a date.

If the event handler returns false, the date will not be selected.

({ date, prevDate, datepicker }: PickerCellEvent) => boolean | void
  • date - The selected date.
  • prevDate - The previous selected date. It can be null or undefined if there was no selected date.
  • datepicker - The datepicker instance.


An element receives a clickCell event when the user clicks on a cell.

({ type, date, $element, nativeEvent, datepicker }: PickerCellEvent) => void
  • type - The type of the cell. It can be day, month, or year.
  • date - The date of the cell.
  • $element - The cell element.
  • nativeEvent - The native event object.
  • datepicker - The datepicker instance.


An instance receives a renderCell event when the cell is rendered.

({ type, date, $element, datepicker }: PickerCellEvent) => void
  • type - The type of the cell. It can be day, month, or year.
  • date - The date of the cell.
  • $element - The cell element.
  • datepicker - The datepicker instance.


An instance receives a focus event when the calendar cell is focused.

({ type, date, $element, datepicker }: PickerCellEvent) => void
  • type - The type of the cell. It can be day, month, or year.
  • date - The date of the cell.
  • $element - The cell element.
  • datepicker - The datepicker instance.


An instance receives a show event when the calendar is shown. If inline option is enabled, the event does not fire.

({ datepicker }: PickerEvent) => void
  • datepicker - The datepicker instance.


An instance receives a hide event when the calendar is hidden. If inline option is enabled, the event does not fire.

({ datepicker }: PickerEvent) => void
  • datepicker - The datepicker instance.