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You can localize the date picker by setting the locale option.

Use predefined locales

Snow DatePicker provides predefined locales for the following languages: locale.json

import SnowDatePicker from 'snow-datepicker';
import localeKo from 'snow-datepicker/locale/ko';

new SnowDatePicker('#element', { locale: localeKo, inline: true });

Customize locales

You can customize the locale by passing an object to the locale option.

Detail of the locale object is described in the localization section.

const locale = {
name: 'en',
weekdays: [
months: [
weekStart: 1,
weekdaysShort: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
monthsShort: [
weekdaysMin: ['🌞', '☕', '😵', '👧🏻', '🪐', '🎅', '👻'],
formats: { time: 'HH:mm', date: 'DD/MM/YYYY' },
placeholder: 'Choose date',

new SnowDatePicker('#element', { locale, inline: true });